Workshops de l'axe "Défis environnementaux, mer et énergie"

Challenges in environmental economics and management: young talent workshop

Troisième édition, Pornic, les 30 et 31 mai 2024

Jeudi 30 mai

Romain ESPINOSA (Keynote, CIRED)

"Économie de la condition animale"

Xavier-Emmanuel COMPAORE (Doctorant, LEMNA, Nantes Université)

"The effect of climate shocks on prices : Evidence from the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) and the Central African Monetary Union (CAMU)"
François-Charles WOLFF (Keynote, LEMNA, Nantes Université)
"Buyers' preferences for quality on first-sale fish markets"
Antoine DEBILLE (Doctorant, LEMNA, Nantes Université)


Vendredi 31 mai

Mathieu LAMBOTTE (Keynote, CREM, Université de Rennes))

"Is less really more ? Asymmetries in peer effects for binary outcomes"

Charles COLLET (Doctorant, Université Gustave Eiffel)

"Harnessing social signals for sustainable transportation choices"
Romain ESPINOSA (Keynote, CIRED)
"le pré-enregistrement"

Deuxième édition, Nantes, le 4 avril 2023


Ewa Zawoska (University of Varsovie)

"Using inferred valuation response to disentangle response biases in stated preference discrete choice experiment"

Guy Meunier (INRAE, Paris-Saclay)

"Extending the limits of the abatement cost"


Jérémy Pantet (Université du Havre)

"Inpout Output modeling extended to water resources at the river bassin scale, the example of the Seine river estuary and potential extensions"

Raphaël Guionie (LEMNA, Nantes Université)

"Measuring industrial planning through input-output modeling: empirical evidence from low-carbon hydrogen in France"
Adrien Fabre (CIRED)
"International Attitudes toward global policies"

Première édition, Pornic, le 20 mai 2022


Thomas Douenne (University of Amsterdam)

"Optimal fiscal policy in a second-best climate economy model with heterogeneous agents"

Marion Leroutier (Stockholm School of Economics)

"The Cost of Air Pollution for Workers and Firms: Evidence from Sickness Leave Episodes"

Benjamin Ouvrard (INRAE, Grenoble)

"Not on my plate! Using mental accounting to promote meat substitutes"


Pauline Pedehour (LEMNA, Nantes Université)

"How do social norms drive altruism in contributions to public goods?"

Lucie Poinet (LEMNA, Nantes Université)

"Descriptive norm nudge in network: Direct contributions from neighbours are better to display"

Mis à jour le 22 juillet 2024.