Arriving in Nantes

General Information

Nantes is within 2 hours from Paris Montparnasse TGV railway station and the Nantes-Atlantique airport is served by more than 100 direct destinations.

Clik here for general information on how to get to Nantes.

By plane

Take the "TanAir" shuttle to the stop "Commerce" in the city center and then the tramway Line 2 (Direction "Orvault Grand Val") until the "Facultés" tramstop. You are at 3 minutes by walk of the conference premises. The "TanAir" shuttle is available outside the main entrance of the airport.

You can also take the bus 37 to the "Neustrie" stop and then the tram Line 3 to "Commerce".

Click here to get the Nantes-Atlantique airport's website.

By train

From the Nantes railway station, take the exit "Sortie Nord". You can take a taxi or a tram. By tram, take the tramway Line 1, (Direction "François Mitterrand") until the "Commerce" tramstop and then the tramway Line 2 (direction "Orvault Grand Val") until the "Facultés" tramstop. You are at 3 minutes by walk of the conference premises.

Click here to book your train ticket in English or click here to have access to the SNCF's website  (in French).

By tramway or bus (TAN NAOLIB network)

Buy your ticket at the automatic distributor before taking the tramway (it is not possible to buy a ticket on board). A ticket is valid 1 hour.
The Tertre's Campus, where is located the Institute of Economics and Management (IEMN IAE), is in the north of Nantes, close to the tramway Line 2 (Direction "Orvault Grand Val") and the "Morrhonniere Petit Port" or "Facultés" tramstops. Depending on traffic and on tram frequency the journey takes about 45 minutes.

Clik here the download the map of the TAN network. The conference premises are in "E3", between the building "Fac de droit" and the Erdre river (not indicated on the map).

Click here to visit the TAN NAOLIB's web site and learn to reach the city center of Nantes with the TAN NAOLIB network.

By taxi

Taxi companies in Nantes
ALLO 44 TAXI          (+33) 0 7 60 90 50 69
ALLO TAXI NANTES (+33) 0 6 47 82 07 39
CLOAREC TAXI        (+33) 0 6 09 82 38 38
TAXI ABARTH           (+33) 0 6 07 62 64 69

By car

On the ring road, take the exit 39. Then follow the indication "Université" ("Bd Martin Luther King", then "rue Henri Picherit", then "Bd Guy Mollet"). You arrive by the top of the map of the Tertre's campus (see the map below).

GPS Latitude and Longitude : N 47.244543, W 1.5486

Find us : Maps

Institut of Economics and Management (IEMN IAE) of the University of Nantes, in the north of Nantes.
Bâtiment 09, IAE Erdre
Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - BP 62232
44322 Nantes Cedex 3 - France
Tel : +33 (0)2 40 14 17 17

Mis à jour le 21 mai 2024.